Donate to Haiti via 'Yele Haiti' here! (News)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Comments: As always said, life is short. As much as we may say it, the question is, do we act upon it the way that we should? GOD BLESS those families who are struggling just to attempt to get past such a horrendous situation. GOD will bless all those who help in any manner towards this troubled time in Haiti. - JX

To all good friends of mine, you know you are!

Golden, Yves, Steph (Just to name a few. Bless those who I did not name)... GOD BLESS you and your families, and pray in the name of our lord to pull you and your family through this situation successfully!

MATHEW 21:22 - And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Click the banner to donate via the official Yele Haiti Website!


“Haiti today faced a natural disaster of unprecedented proportion, an earthquake unlike anything the country has ever experienced.

The magnitude 7.0 earthquake – and several very strong aftershocks – struck only 10 miles from Port-au-Prince.

I cannot stress enough what a human disaster this is, and idle hands will only make this tragedy worse. The over 2 million people in Port-au-Prince tonight face catastrophe alone. We must act now.

President Obama has already said that the U.S. stands ‘ready to assist’ the Haitian people. The U.S. Military is the only group trained and prepared to offer that assistance immediately. They must do so as soon as possible. The international community must also rise to the occasion and help the Haitian people in every way possible.”

Many people have already reached out to see what they can do right now. We are asking those interested to please do one of two things: Either you can use your cell phone to text “Yele” to 501501, which will automatically donate $5 to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund (it will be charged to your cell phone bill), or you can click here to DONATE.

Thank you,

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